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Ready For Your Afterlife?

Ready For Your Afterlife?

Regular price $14.99 USD
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1. Answers the question of who we really are.
2. Defines vital universal concepts and principles.
3. Explains what to do to have a greater afterlife.
4. Prepares for an eternity that is worth existing.
5. Hands over the keys which unlock the best in the universe.
6. Offers ideas to enhance physical and spiritual wellbeing.
7. Drafts the future of this planet.
8. Describes eternal consequences of our actions.
9. Gives an opportunity for spiritual self-progression.
10. Helps critically question oneself and all that is.

The book gives you power to decide your eternity, and is written in a conversational style from the perspective of a person living a thousand years ahead in time looking at the spiritual evolution of the human race. It’s a collection of philosophical theories which portraits existence based on actions and their consequences from a spiritual and logical point of view.

The work uses biblical references for two reasons; the first is to demonstrate that some of the wisdom is already available to us and the second, to interpret that which is still unclear. It explains the origin of the non-physical person, how they are expected to think and act in order to go to Heaven, and the eternal laws of the universe that govern them. It invites readers to deepen their understanding of what the next stage of existence is likely to bring, and where they can expect to go when their body is dead. It argues that the eternal non-physical part of a human being has been ignored and that the modern man mostly lives for the material and therefore ephemeral gain, which is costing him dearly eternally.
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